Scientific studies

(1) Chunyu Wang's team at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, demonstrated direct binding between EGCG and p53, mediated by the NTD of p53. The study showed that the EGCG-p53 interaction disrupted the interaction of p53 with MDM2 and inhibited the ubiquitination of p53, which likely stabilized the antitumor activity of p53 and provided a structural mechanism for the anticancer effects of EGCG.

(2) In the 1980s, Japanese scientists first reported that tea polyphenols inside tea can inhibit cancer cell activity in humans. Recently, authors from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine published new evidence that green tea has the potential to fight tumors in the Nature sub-journal Scientific Reports, and the findings suggest that the compound EGCG in green tea could be a candidate molecule for the treatment and prevention of uterine fibroids, and that it's a readily available and natural way of slowing down tumor growth.